Jamul-Dulzura Union School District Home
Homepage Shuffle

GSDA - RFEP Student

OGMS - RFEP Students

JES - RFEP Students

OGMS Graduation

Sunrise Award - Eli Ontiveros

Sunrise Award - Dafnne Jaimes Figueroa

Oral Report

Nutrition Class

Oral Report on the Amazon Rainforest

OGMS Awards Ceremony

OGMS Camp Cuyamaca

CBO Eric Huynh visiting 1st grade

OGMS Students of the Month

JES Monster Math Class

Superintendent's Elementary School Focus Groups

Superintendent's Elementary School Focus Groups

JES Dance Show


Superintendent's Message
News & Announcements

Supporting Our School Community Amid Immigration Concerns
Please read the attached letter from our superintendent

February 19th! Ask A Therapist Live and Free
You’re invited to join us Wednesday, February 19 at 5pm PT for Ask a Therapist Live. This webinar is an opportunity to ask a licensed clinical therapist questions about parenting, your child’s well-being, or anything that’s been on your mind. Participation is anonymous and free. Visit https://cookcenter.info/ATLFeb19 to register today!

February Mental Health Series Schedule
Explore our FREE mental health courses designed to help you support your child! Check out the attached calendar for upcoming opportunities and take the first step toward building a stronger foundation for their well-being.

Horario de la Serie de Salud Mental de Febrero
¡Explora nuestros cursos gratuitos de salud mental diseñados para ayudarte a apoyar a tu hijo! Consulta el calendario adjunto para conocer las próximas oportunidades y da el primer paso hacia una base más sólida para su bienestar.

Coaching GRATUITO para Padres y Tutores
Padres, febrero se trata de amor y relaciones. Únete al Coaching para Padres para nutrir y fortalecer tu conexión con tus hijos. Este recurso gratuito te conecta con un coach de crianza y ofrece contenido diseñado por terapeutas. Haz clic aquí para registrarte y recibir apoyo continuo: https://cookcenter.info/coaching