Free Listos Aware & Prepare training This training is FREE and will be delivered in Spanish at the Potrero County Branch Library on Oct. 15th from 9:00am to 2:00pm. Participants will need to pre-register to ensure we have enough materials. Upon completion of the training each person/family will receive a very nice first aid kit and an emergency radio. Thanks to our SDG&E partners for donating the first aid kits for this class!
Friends of Jamul-Dulzura Schools Fundraiser Please join the Friends of Jamul-Dulzura Schools at their annual fundraiser, A Starry Night on October 8, 2022
No Route A or B October 4-7 We will not have bus transportation October 4-7, please see the attached in English and in Spanish
Free Parent Education Opportunity - Spanish Flier Have you ever wondered about your role in the special education process? The San Diego County Office of Education is offering a free 1 hour online space for you to learn more.
Free Parent Education Opportunity Have you ever wondered about your role in the special education process? The San Diego County Office of Education is offering a free 1 hour online space for you to learn more.