Digital Citizenship
Jamul-Dulzura Union School District's Quest for Quality includes the belief that our students, families and staff are part of an ethical global society. We strive to teach students to use technology in a positive manner, be critically thinking and productive members of the online community. We use educational technology to build skills necessary for college, career, and life. We strive to engage families as partners to help reinforce the lessons students learn in our district for becoming responsible digital citizens.
Digital Citizen is a person who uses the Internet regularly and effectively.
Digital footprint is used to describe the trail, traces, or "footprints" that people leave online.
To learn more about digital citizenship please go to Common Sense Media website:
Here are some amazing websites for students:
*Assembly Bill 307 and S 1492 require school districts to educate all California students and teachers on the importance of internet safety and ethical us of information technology.